Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It was my first day of senior year, and the day was half way through, the only two classes I had left were fifth and sixth period, I was taking my time to my sixth period when the tardy bell rang. After the bell had rung, I quickly got to my seat, of course being tardy was probably a bad first impression because as soon as I picked a desk to sit at my teacher was glaring at me. He then began to yell at me saying how it was an essential to be on time to his class. This was my first encounter with my economics teacher and I already knew it was going to be a long year.  Little did I know that Jack had a specific purpose in my life and although he was scary to me at first, he soon became my strongest adult in my life.  As the years went by, I got to know Mr. Little and we became the greatest of friends. Once Jack Little passed away, I had a different perspective on the little amount of time we all have to live. Mr. Little was different than any teacher I’ve ever had, I certainly had an idea on how his humor and personality was. In economics, Jack had a bunch of class discussions, and that’s where I and the class of 2014 began to realize how different of a teacher he was then the rest of the faculty at Imperial High School. For example, one way he taught us was that we had a right to voice our opinion in his classroom and he basically cared about what everyone had to say. Now this was rare for the students taking his class because throughout our whole four years at Imperial high, the students just have to listen to the teachers and if failing to do so would get punished. Another remarkable factor about Jack was that he was always interested in our wellbeing. If a student was hungry in class or if a student looked like he or she had a bad day Mr. Little wouldn’t hesitate to take time during his class to talk about the problem. As a girl in high school I had a lot of dilemmas, but Jack Little was always there to help me find a solution no matter how complicated it was.  A last reason that made him a unique teacher was that he supported the music and arts program; which is rare because in fact he was the only teacher at Imperial High that did. Being a part of the chorus, I liked his interest in the music, since he donated a lot of his time and money into those programs. Mr. Little's characteristics as a teacher and as a person and his fun class made the love from his students grow more and more. Mr. Littles tragic death was quite a shock to everyone at Imperial High, but to the students who were most close to him it was a devastating blow. .  His death drifted away like the clouds do, and I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the way he died. I had just seen him yesterday when I went to his house, he promised that he’d see me at graduation that’s why I found his death to be so sudden. As soon as I received the news, I began to question my faith in God, I couldn’t understand why God took him away from me.  Seeing Mr. Little every day was already part of my daily routine as a senior and suddenly having to face the fact that he wasn’t going to be around anymore at all was unbearable to me. I didn’t want to finish my senior year if Jack Little wasn’t going to be a part of it anymore, let alone graduate without him. For weeks, I cried and wondered where he was and what he was doing now that he wasn’t alive anymore. This was my first experience with death and coping with it became hard for me to do. Although Mr. Jack Little’s still reoccurs in my mind, I realized both his life and his death had a strong purpose in my life. He didn’t just introduce me to what death is, but he taught me a lot of things about myself. For one, Mr. Little’s teachings taught me what I want to do with my life. He inspired a lot of students, including myself. I wouldn’t mind teaching students exactly how he taught. I would love to be the inspiration to one of my student’s life, to Mr. Little teaching was sharing the gift of knowledge, inspiring young men and women and makingthem eager to learn and discover. Meeting Jack helped me discover what I want to do for the rest of my life and his death occurring gave me the extra push to become a teacher like him so other students could experience what I had.  As a senior in high school, I never knew how much Mr. Little would truly effect my whole outlook on life. In that short amount of time he taught me, I got to know him and myself a little bit more. His death was a crucial impact on my life, but it also taught me a valuable lesson and that is to live life to the fullest. I now know that in an instinct someone that you love can die, and I cherish that piece of knowledge with the rest of my life


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